The genius farmer ... this story its amazing

The genius farmer


Our story says there was a village close to the sea where a peasant lives with his wife
Of course, as a farmer, he is considered to be below the poverty line
The farmer decided with his wife to work as much as a fraud and deception to get some money
The farmer was shrewd in his intelligence , but his problem was that he was a little hasty
!! He decided to buy a donkey from a friend and pay the value of the donkey after
 So what he do the farmer put iron money in the mouth of the donkey 
And walked with the donkey in the market , then the donkey took vomiting in the market of course he was getting money out of his mouth
Some merchants saw him in the market, so they asked him "What's happening to your donkey
He said calmly and confidently that as you can see, he is getting out the money
But in the past the amount of money was much more, but after the donkey get old I said the amount of money
And one of the merchants said, do you sell your donkey 
He said it is a source of livelihood and will cost you a lot 
The merchant said, I will pay 
The farmer said with 1000 pieces of gold
The merchant agreed and paid the amount and took the donkey
The farmer went to his house and said to his wife I sold the donkey but the problem is that the one who bought the donkey he will know the trick so what we should do
The farmer decided with his wife for a new trick
Next day the donkey died
So the merchant told his friends the all story  with the owner of the donkey , they said that he is a fraudster and he must get his punishment
So they went to the farmer's house they knock the door once and twice , his wife came out and said,  What are you doing what is the problem
They said to her: We want your husband right now
 She said: he went to the next village but if you want him for something important, then I will call him , I have a dog and when I need my husband by an important thing, he goes to my husband and tells him to return to the house and he will come immediately 
The men laughed and said: This is a wondrous thing, so show us  
The wife broke the rope of the dog so the dog fled to the unknown side
Only minutes later, the husband returned with another dog the same as the previous dog and said to his wife :Whats wrong my lovely wife 
She said: These people want you an important thing
The merchant said, "Yes, I have come to you to buy this wonderful dog
The farmer told him that the price is very expensive, it is a mobile for emergencies
The merchant said: I will pay you what you want
The farmer said: the price is 3000 pieces of gold and the merchant agreed without hesitation
The wife said: We are in trouble he will know the trick
The husband said: Don`t worry
The merchant went home and he was happy with the dog, and he told his wife about the dog's what he can to do 
 The  merchant wife said: lets try it , so they broke the rope  and the dog fled to unknown
The merchant knew that he had been involved in a monumental process, and he was very angry
So he went with two of his friends to the farmer and knock the door
The farmer's wife opened the door
they said to her, Where is your husband
She said he would return immediately
After waiting half an hour , the husband came 
He said to his wife: Do some tea  
The wife said these are your guests, you do the duty
The peasant become angry and he took his  knife out of his pocket and stabbed his wife , the blood flowed from the farmer's wife
(Of course this is a new trick)
The men said: Are you crazy you kill your wife because she didnt make tea
He said: so what , whenever she make mad i kill her 
they said : Have you killed her before
The farmer said : yes
They laughed and said : no doubt you are crazy  how you killed your wife before
He said :watch 
 he got out a whistle from his pocket. he began to yell at her, the wife stood up as if she did not killed The merchant wonders and he said to him: I want to buy this whistle
The farmer said to him 10,000 pieces if gold and the merchant agreed
the merchant went  with his friends 
One of his friend said to him, "I want to try the whistle on my wife
The merchant gave him the whistle
Indeed, the man killed his wife and started screaming the whole night, but she did not comeback to the life too bad 
 In the morning the merchant told his friend what the whistle was it work 
(The friend said: It is wonderful and effective (of course he was afraid to say he kill his wife 
The other friend said: I will use them today and the merchant agreed
Of course, the tragedy has been repeated
The merchant took the whistle and went to his wife and made trouble with her then he killed her
 He took the whistle and started yelling but unfortunately she died 
The merchant was furious he went to his friends and told them about what he have been done 
  They said to him our wives died It's all over and the peasant is a great fraudulent genius if we go to him right now he will trick us 
So the merchant told the people of the city, so the people of the city decided to take revenge on the farmer and they went to the farmer house
The peasant came out with a new trick but before the farmer spoke, they tied him up
and put him inside a blanket carrying the farmer them direction to the sea to throw him into the sea
At noon they decided to take a rest in the shade of trees near the sea
And they all slept , the farmer heard the sound of sheep close by him so he began to shout
I do not want to marry the daughter of the king. I do not want to marry the daughter of the king
The shepherd come near the farmer and he open the blanket and he said to the peasant : Whats wrong with you
The farmer said to him: I do not want to marry the daughter of the king, i have a girl and i  love her, and I do not want to marry except the girl who i love
He said: Are you crazy this is the daughter of the king
The peasant said: If you want to do this, then let me down and enter the blanket and I will guard your sheep until you return
The shepherd rejoiced and he entered the blanket
At the night the people of the city they take the blanket to the sea and threw it and returned to the city
On the second day they found the farmer and with him a lot of sheep (300 heads of sheep) and the was surprised
They ask him, "What happened, and where did you get these sheep
He said to them: You threw me by the sea, but I was close to the beach, the mermaid gave me these sheep , but if you threw me far away I would have got more sheep
The people of the city said to him, "If we go to the sea, we will get sheep and cattle
The farmer said: Yes, and tried to move far away to get more sheep
All the people of the city went to the sea and suicide, and they did not know that they had fallen into the hands of a professional of fraudulent 

The farmer emigrated to another city and lived a happy life

I hope you like this story i spent a lots of time with it so i hope to here from you some comments 


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