The old man and the young man

The old man and the young man

It is said that an old man was sitting in the train with his 25-year-old son

  Much of  joy and curiosity was evident in the features of the young man who was sitting by the window

  He took his hands out of the window and felt the passage of air. "Dad, I see all these trees walking behind us!" The old man smiles, in agreement with his son's joy. Next to them was a couple listening to what was going on between the father and his son. They felt a little embarrassed, how a young man behaves like a child

Suddenly the young man shouted again: "Father, look at the pond and its animals, see how the clouds are going with the train

  The couple continued to wonder about the young man's conversation again. Then the rain began, and the drops of water fell on the young man's hand, whose face was filled with happiness, and cried again: "My father is raining, and the water touched my hand, see, Dad

At this moment the couple cant keep silent so they ask the old man

?Why you do not  visit a doctor and get treatment for your son

The old man answer
 We're coming from the hospital, because my son has become a first-time a insightful and now he can see and feel 

 Always remember
Do not draw conclusions until you know all the facts


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